The Liebster Award

Okay so I have to do this because I was kindly nominated for it by Life Is Sweet In Books. This is actually a real surprise because even though I have a fair few followers, it’s still a great feeling to know that someone is noticing so thank you :D.

The rules are: 

Thank the nominator. (which I’ve done)

Display the award.

Answer the questions

Nominate 10 more bloggers with 10 new questions.

Notify the Nominees

Thank you so much to Lifeissweetinbooks for nominating me and it means a lot. 🙂 Go and check out their blog!

Display the award:

Right, on to the questions

  • What is your favourite trilogy?

This was actually really hard to decide so I’m going to have to go with my favourite trilogy of the last year… This would have to be the Maze Runner trilogy (I know there’s a fourth book but it doesn’t really count…)

  • What is your favourite genre?

For this I would have to say Sci-Fi, [Mild] Horror or Fantasy. (Clearly a really easy decision for me)

  • Hardcover or paperback?

Now this is an easy one. Since I have book OCD, and I need to keep my books pristine. For that reason I absolutely love Hardcover – just one downfall is when they fall flat on your face as you fall asleep.

  • Why did you start a blog?

I absolutely love reading, and I’ve always heard that the internet is ”a large place” so I decided it was time to meet people with similar interests. Plus, I needed to become more ”tech-savvy”.

  • What book would you recommend to everyone?

1984. This is my absolute FAVOURITE book ever and I swear even though it is really difficult to get into if you’re reading it before your time it is totally worth the struggle!

  • If you could visit a book world, what world would that be?

Another really hard question: probably Hogwarts world, Middle Earth and the Deathote world in one.

  • What is your favourite quote?

Easy! ”Books are uniquely portable magic.” – Stephen King.

  • If you could meet a character from a book, what character would that be?

That would probably be Alice Wonder from Insanity. She’s amazing. If I met her I’d cry… Man, I wish I lived in all the books I’ve read.

  • Who is your favourtie superhero?

Without a doubt Batman (The Dark Knight). This is super easy as I’ve had these conversations before and I always have to explain why. Yes, Batman may not be super human or have extra weird abilities but he is a super heroic human being. Even though the worst thing happened to him (his parents both died) he doesn’t shrivel up into a bundle of grief. No, he fights – out of his own initiative – all the bad things for his people. That in my opinion is a true superhero (Okay rant over).

  • Have you got any secret abilities???

Oh man I wish I did. For years I could swear that I knew what people were going to say next, but it’s probably my over excitable imagination. 

Now I pick my nominees:


Sarah’s Bookshelf

Bookish Reviews

BookPeople’s Blog







Okay, all I need to do is notify these people. Below, I’ve listed my questions for them to try.

  1. A book you wished you could ban from being published.
  2. Favourite Book/ Series.
  3. A film that beats the book for you.
  4. Why did you start a blog?
  5. If you could be any fictional character, who would you be and why?
  6. If you’re stuck on a desert island, what three things do you take (not food or water)
  7. Favourite Genre
  8. Favourite time of the day?
  9. Favourite Book Couple.
  10. Favourite place to read.

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